
Different attitudes towards shopping:
Types of shops:
Tips on ‘How to avoid spending too much money’
AT THE GROCER’S, people can buy food including flour, sugar, salt, eggs, vegetable, oil, various kinds of tea and coffee, bottled beer and juice, sweets, chocolate. There are also dairy products such as milk, butter, cream, cheese, and yoghurt.
You can get various kinds of fresh bread, rolls, buns, pies, and cakes AT THE
THE BUTCHER sells meat, including pork, beef, lamb, veal, and poultry (chicken, turkey, duck). Here we can buy smoked meat products such as ham, bacon, sausages, salami, and frankfurters.
AT THE STATIONER’S we can buy all kinds of stationery, e.g., writing paper, envelopes, notebooks, fountain pens, ballpoint pens, pencils, glue, rubber, rulers, stapler, hole-punch, paper clips, and compasses.
AT THE GREENGROCER’S, we have a wide selection of fresh fruit and vegetables. Vegetables often used for cooking such as potatoes, carrot, onion, garlic, cabbage, beans, cauliflower, and cucumbers.
THE CHEMIST’S is a shop where people can buy medicines and cosmetic products. In America, the chemist’s shop is called a drugstore. Here we buy hair cosmetics, shower gels, skin creams, toothbrushes and toothpaste, washing powder, soap, shaving cream, shaving foam and perfumes.
BOUTIQUES sell the latest fashion and brand-name clothes. There is a wide choice of fashionable dresses, shirts, skirts, blouses – made of cotton or silk, pullovers, including the trendy polo-neck pullovers, blue jeans, stockings, and scarves. Boutiques also offer leather goods such as leather jackets, shoes, bags, and leather belts.
If you buy a faulty product, you can take it back to the shop because you have two years guarantee/warranty on it. Don’t forget to bring proof of purchase to get a refund. If you wish for the same product, and it is in stock, you can get an exchange.
shop assistant – is a person who will help you find what you are looking for. They are mostly women, and they should be helpful, kind, patient, calm, polite, pleasant and friendly.
Frequent questions and phrases at the shop:
Shop assistant
Are you being served, madam?
What are you looking for?
What size do you take?
Can I try it on?
Where are the changing rooms?
Can I pay by credit card?
Can I have a bigger/smaller size?
I will take it/I will leave it.
I am just looking.
You can buy virtually anything: computers, clothes, books, shoes.
It has a lot of pros:
There is also one bad side:
1. spendthrift [ˈspendˌθrɪft] – rozhadzovač, ten kto veľa míňa
2. scrooge [skruːdʒ] – lakomec, skupáň, držgroš
3. save up money [seɪv ʌp ˈmʌnɪ ] – šetriť peniaze
4. discounts [ˈdɪskaʊnts] /reductions [rɪˈdʌkʃəns] – zľavy
5. sale [seɪl] – výpredaj
6. bargain [ˈbɑːgɪn] – výhodná kúpa / ponuka
7. on the one hand – na jednej strane
8. on the other hand – na druhej strane
9. necessity [nɪˈsesɪtɪ] – nutnosť
10. department store [dɪˈpɑːtmənt stɔː] – obchodný dom
11. shopping mall [ˈʃɒpɪŋ mɔːl] / shopping centre [ˈʃɒpɪŋˈsentə] – nákup stredisko
12. electrical appliances [ɪˈlektrɪk ə l əˈplaɪənses] – elek.spotrebiče
13. plush toys [plʌʃ tɔɪs] – plyšáky
14. toys [tɔɪs] – hračky
15. dolls [dɒls] – bábiky
17. jewellery [ˈdʒuːəlrɪ] – šperky
18. rings [rɪŋs] – prstene, earrings [ˈɪəˌrɪŋs] – náušnice, pendant [ˈpendənt] – prívesok
19. stationery [ˈsteɪʃənərɪ] – kancelárske / písacie potreby
20. envelopes [ˈenvəˌləʊps] – obálky
21. notebooks [ˈnəʊtˌbʊks] – zošity
22. fountain pen [ˈfaʊntɪn pen] – plniace pero
23. ballpoint pen [ˈbɔːlˌpɔɪnt pen] – gulôčkové pero
24. glue [gluː] – lepidlo
25. rubber [ˈrʌbə] / eraser [ɪˈreɪz] – guma
26. ruler [ˈruːlə] – pravítko
27. compasses [ˈkʌmpəs] – kružidlo
28. hole punch [həʊl pʌntʃ] – dierovačka
29. stapler [ˈsteɪplə] – zošívačka na papiere
30. additional services [əˈdɪʃən ə l ˈsɜːvɪs ] – doplnkové služby
31. shaving foam [ˈʃeɪvɪŋ fəʊm] – pena na holenie
32. soap [səʊp] – mydlo
33. washing powder [ˈwɒʃɪŋˈpaʊdə ] – prášok na pranie
34. wide choice [waɪd tʃɔɪs] – široký výber
35. T-shirt [ˈtiːˌʃɜːt] – tričko, shirt [ˌʃɜːt] – košeľa
36. skirt [skɜːt] – sukňa
37. leather goods [ˈleðə gʊdz ] – kožený tovar
38. jacket [ˈdʒækɪt] – bunda, sako
39. belt [belt] – opasok
40. scarf [skɑːf] – šál, scarves [skɑːvz] – šály, šatky
41. the latest fashion [ðə ˈleɪtɪst ˈfæʃən] – najnovšia móda
42. brand name clothes / designer clothes [brænd neɪm kləʊðz] – značkové oblečenie
43. queue [kjuː] – rad, stáť v rade
44. at the grocer´s [æt ðə ˈgrəʊsəs] – v potravinách
45. at the baker´s [æt ðə ˈbeɪkəs] – chlieb & pečivo
46. at the butcher´s [æt ðə ˈbʊtʃəs] – v mäsiarstve
47. at the greengrocer´s [æt ðə ˈgriːnˌgrəʊsəs] – ovocie & zelenina
48. at the stationer´s [æt ðə ˈsteɪʃənəs] – v papierníctve
49. at the chemist´s [æt ðə ˈkemɪsts] – v lekárni / v drogérii
50. at the shoe shop [æt ðə ʃuː ʃɒp ] – obuv
51. shopping list [ˈʃɒpɪŋ lɪst] – nákupný zoznam
52. empty stomach [ˈemptɪ ˈstʌmək] – prázdny žalúdok
53. notes [nəʊts] – bankovky
54. coins [kɔɪn] – mince
55. trolley [ˈtrɒlɪ] / cart [kɑːt] – nákupný vozík
56. basket [ˈbɑːskɪt] – nákupný košík
57. check out [tʃek aʊt] / till [tɪl] / cash desk [kæʃ desk] – pokladňa
58. conveyor belt [kənˈveɪə belt] – pohyblivý pás
59. cashier [kæˈʃɪə] – pokladník
60. barcode [bɑː kəʊd] – čiarový kód
61. receipt [rɪˈsiːt] – bloček, potvrdenka z pokladne
62. pay in cash [peɪ ɪn kæʃ] – platiť v hotovosti
63. pay by credit card [peɪ baɪ ˈkredɪt kɑːd ] – platiť kreditkou
64. faulty product [ˈfɔːltɪ ˈprɒdʌkt] – vadný produkt/ chybný tovar
65. guarantee [ˌgærənˈtiː] / warranty [ˈwɒrəntɪ] – záruka
66. proof of purchase [pruːf əv ˈpɜːtʃɪs] – doklad o zaplatení
67. purchase [ˈpɜːtʃɪs] – kúpiť
68. invoice [ˈɪnvɔɪs] – faktúra
69. in a stock [in stɒk] – na sklade
70. calm [kɑːm] – pokojný
71. patient [ˈpeɪʃənt] – trpezlivý
72. polite [pəˈlaɪt] – slušný
73. customer [ˈkʌstəmə] – zákazník
74. shop assistant [ʃɒp əˈsɪstənt] – predavačka / predavač
75. open market [ˈəʊp ə n ˈmɑːkɪt] – trh / tržnica
76. overcrowded [ˌəʊvəˈkraʊdɪd] – preplnený
77. lower price [ˈləʊə praɪs ] – nižšia cena
78. haggle [ˈhæg ə l] – zjednávať sa, dohadovať sa
79. pros [prəʊs] – výhody
80. cons [kɒns] – nevýhody
81. deposit [dɪˈpɒzɪt] – vložiť peniaze na účet
82. withdraw [wɪðˈdrɔː] – vybrať peniaze z účtu
83. cash machine [kæʃ məˈʃiːn] / ATM [ˌeɪtiːˈem] – bankomat
84. take out a loan [teɪk aʊt ləʊn] – zobrať si pôžičku
85. take out a mortgage [teɪk aʊt ˈmɔːgɪdʒ] – zobrať si hypotéku
86. current bank account [ˈkʌrənt bæŋk əˈkaʊnt] – bežný účet
87. aisle [aɪl] – ulička
88. brand [brænd] – značka
89. building blocks [ˈbɪldɪŋ blɒks] – stavebnica
90. buyer [ˈbaɪə] – kupujúci
91. consumer [kənˈsjuːmə] – spotrebiteľ
92. COD / cash on delivery [kæʃ ɒn dɪˈlɪvərɪ] – na dobierku
93. closing time [ˈkləʊzɪŋ taɪm] – zatváracia doba
94. cut-price [kʌt praɪs] – zlacnený
95. dry cleaner’s [draɪ ˈkliːnəs] – čistiareň
96. refund [ˈriːˌfʌnd] – vrátenie peňazí, vrátiť peniaze
97. shelf-filler [ʃelf ˈfɪlə] – ten, kto dopĺňa tovar do regálov v supermarkete
98. leaflet [ˈliːflɪt] / flyer [ˈflaɪə] – reklamný leták
99. sweetshop [swiːt ʃɒp] – cukráreň
100.window shopping [ˈwɪndəʊ ˈʃɒpɪŋ] – prezeranie si výkladov
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