Maturitné testy 2016

Anglický jazyk

Téma na sloh B1
Téma: Holidays, Customs and Traditions in our Country

A school magazine organises a competition entitled Holidays, Customs and Traditions in my Family. The main prize is a trip to an amusement park for the whole family. You have decided to enter the competition. Write an article (160–180 words) including the following points:
    • The holidays you celebrate with your family and/or friends.
    • A description of the chosen holiday and the special preparation for it.
    • A custom/tradition related to this holiday.
>>Všetky testy, kľúče a nahrávky z maturitného predmetu Anglický jazyk<<
Téma na sloh B2
Téma: Holidays, Customs and Traditions in our Country

A school magazine organises a competition entitled Holidays, Customs and Traditions in our Country. The main prize is a weekend wellness stay for two people. You have decided to participate in the competition. Write an opinion essay (200–220 words) focusing on the following points:
    • The significance of holidays, customs and traditions for our society and your family.
    • The most significant holidays in Slovakia, in your opinion.
    • Your opinion about including customs and traditions from other countries in our culture.
>>Všetky testy, kľúče a nahrávky z maturitného predmetu Anglický jazyk<<
Maturitné Testy

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