What's the difference?

Made of vs Made from

Made of

  • ‘MADE OF’ is used to describe the material that something is composed of or constructed from;
  • ‘MADE OF’ is used when the actual physical form of the material does NOT change during the process of making the subject;
  • ‘MADE OF’ has a meaning similar to ‘composed of or constructed from’.

Here are a few examples of how ‘made of’ can be used in sentences:

Chairs are made of wood.
My house is made of bricks.
This vase is made of glass.
Her beautiful ring was made of silver.
The cabin was made of logs.

Made from

  • ‘MADE FROM’ is used to describe the process of creating or producing something using specific materials or ingredients;
  • ‘MADE FROM’ is used when the actual physical form of the material DOES change during the process of making the subject.

Here are a few examples of how ‘made from’ can be used in sentences:

This cake is made from flour, sugar, and eggs.
This toy is made from plastic and paint.
Wine is made from grapes.
Paper is made from trees.
Plastic is made from oil.
Cheese and butter are made from milk.
Paper is made from trees.

So, ‘made of’ describes the material that something is made up of, while ‘made from’ describes the material or ingredients that were used to create or produce something.

Made out of

  • ‘MADE OUT OF’ is used when we talk about something that has been changed or transformed from one thing into another;
  • It is often used to describe the material that something is made of in a more colloquial or informal way. For example, you might say, ‘What’s that toy made out of? Instead of ‘What is the material that the toy is made of?’

Here are a few examples of how ‘made out of’ can be used in sentences:

They used to live in tents made out of plastic sheets.
Last year I created a candle-holder made out of old ashtray.
What’s that bag made out of? It’s made out of recycled plastic bottles.
This pencil holder is made out of my old pencils.

Made with

  • ‘MADE WITH’ is used when we talk about the ingredients of food and drink,
  • ‘MADE WITH’ is also used when we specify the particular ingredients or materials that were used in the creation shoes, perfume, or soup.

Here are a few examples of how ‘made with’ can be used in sentences:

The dish is made with pork, green peppers and tomatoes.
This pie is made with a crust made from butter and flour and a filling made with apples and cinnamon.
This perfume is made with essential oils of lavender, jasmine, and rose.
This soup is made with a base of chicken broth and vegetables like carrots, onions, and potatoes.
These shoes are made with high-quality leather and sturdy rubber soles.

Made in

  • ‘MADE IN’ is used to indicate the country or place where something was manufactured or produced. It is often used to specify the origin of a product or item.

Here are a few examples of how ‘made in’ can be used in sentences:

This computer is made in the United States.
These shoes are made in Italy.
This toy is made in China.
This wine is made in France.
This cheese is made in Slovakia.

In each of these examples, ‘made in’ is used to indicate the country where the computer, shoes, toy, wine, or cheese was manufactured or produced.

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