Maturitné Testy 2015

Anglický jazyk

Téma na sloh B1

Téma: My Dream Job

During a school excursion you visited a job fair. Choose the job which attracted you most. Write a letter to your English friend (160–180 words) in which you introduce the chosen job. Use the following points:

    • The job that attracted you most and why.
    • What advantages you can see in it.
    • What disadvantages you can see in it.
    • What will be your typical day at work like?
    • Ask your friend for his/her opinion about the chosen job.
>>Všetky testy, kľúče a nahrávky z maturitného predmetu Anglický jazyk<<
Téma na sloh B2
Téma: My Dream Job

The journal “Career” is organizing a students’ competition for the best essay (200–220 words) entitled “My Dream Job” which will include justifications of your imagination and opinions. Use the following points:
  • What kind of job you would prefer.
  • What advantages you can see in it.
  • How you imagine your working day.
  • How you imagine the relationships in the working place.
  • What you would be willing to do to get that job.
>>Všetky testy, kľúče a nahrávky z maturitného predmetu Anglický jazyk<<
Maturitné Testy

Maturitné testy z anglického jazyka, ktoré sú zverejnené na našom webe sú v originálnej verzii, získané z Zverejnenie týchto materiálov na našej platforme je so súhlasom NIVAM.

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