Téma: Man and Nature
Your friend from Britain would like some information about your attitude towards the seasons
in your country. Write a letter (160-180 words) to him/her, in which you will mention the
following points:
>>Všetky testy, kľúče a nahrávky z maturitného predmetu Anglický jazyk<<
Téma: Man and Nature
A school magazine has announced a competition for the best essay entitled “Nowadays people like enjoying nature”. In your essay (200-220 words), express your opinion in the following points:
Téma: The influence of sport on personality development
Read the ideas presented below. Choose one of them and write an essay (260–320 words),
justifying your opinion.
Maturitné testy z anglického jazyka, ktoré sú zverejnené na našom webe sú v originálnej verzii, získané z Zverejnenie týchto materiálov na našej platforme je so súhlasom NIVAM.
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