Maturitné Testy 2024

Anglický jazyk

Téma na sloh B1

Téma: Employment

Your friend from Britain is interested in your future job plans. Write a letter (160-180 words) to him/her mentioning the following points:

  • the possibilities of searching for a job and job opportunities in Slovakia,
  • your plans to work either in your country or abroad,
  • your dream job.

>>Všetky testy, kľúče a nahrávky z maturitného predmetu Anglický jazyk<<

Téma na sloh B2

Téma: Employment

In your English class, you were asked to write an opinion essay entitled “A Career or a Family Life?”. In your essay (200-220 words), discuss the following points:

  • an example of a person with a successful career,
  • the influence of work on a family life,
  • your vision for a career in your future.
>>Všetky testy, kľúče a nahrávky z maturitného predmetu Anglický jazyk<<
Téma na sloh C1

Téma: Linguistic Diversity

Your bilingual school has announced a competition to write an opinion essay (260–320 words) entitled “Another language means another perception of the world”. Discuss the following points.

  • the meaning of linguistic diversity – what it means,
  • why language diversity matters – its significance,
  • its promotion – how to promote it.
>>Všetky testy, kľúče a nahrávky z maturitného predmetu Anglický jazyk<<
Maturitné Testy

Maturitné testy z anglického jazyka, ktoré sú zverejnené na našom webe sú v originálnej verzii, získané z Zverejnenie týchto materiálov na našej platforme je so súhlasom NIVAM.

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