Health Care & Human Body

Good health means a longer and happier life. Health, together with love, is the most precious gift that people have.

How to prevent illnesses/diseases.

To stay fit and keep our mind and body in good balance, we should:

  • Eat Healthy Foods: Choose foods that are good for your health and provide essential nutrients.
  • Stay Active: Take part in different sports or activities. Avoid spending too much time sitting in front of screens like the TV, computer, phone, or playing video games.
  • Handle Stress: Try to avoid situations that make you feel worried or stressed. Stay away from alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs.
  • Get Outside: Spend time in the fresh air and move around regularly.
  • Sleep Well: Make sure you have a regular sleep routine and get enough rest.
  • Stay Positive: Try to see things in a hopeful and optimistic way. Cultivate a positive outlook on life.

Everyone in our country has the right to choose a doctor. Medical care is provided for our
citizens from birth to death.

Children’s Diseases

After birth, each child is vaccinated against:

Tuberculosis (TB)

  • Whooping cough
  • Measles
  • Polio
  • Chickenpox (smallpox)
  • Mumps

Each schoolchild is under medical supervision, which means they have to undergo a series
of preventive medical and dental check-ups, during which:

  • Their body is examined.
  • Their teeth are checked.
  • Their eyesight is tested.


  1. Why should people take care of their health?
  2. What rules should we follow to stay in good shape?
  3. Which diseases can affect small children?

Most often, we suffer from common infections like:

  • A cold and a sore throat – our nose is running or it is blocked. We sneeze and cough a lot.
  • Tonsillitis – our glands are swollen and we cannot swallow.
  • Flu – we have achy joints, high temperature, headache, and physical fatigue.
  • A chest infection – we have difficulty breathing.

Common infections are very contagious. We try to recover from them on our own. We:

  • Stay in bed,
  • take pills, drops, and vitamins,
  • keep warm,
  • sweat a lot,
  • drink herbal tea with honey or lemon,
  • the best thing we can do is to simply rest in bed completely.

After a couple of days, we should feel better again. But if we still feel unwell, we finally decide
to see our local doctor, who is called a General Practitioner (GP).


  1. Can you list any common infections and their symptoms?
  2. Give some tips on how to recover from common infections without seeing a doctor.
  3. What is another term for a local doctor?

At the doctor’s office (At the doctor’s)

Firs, we have to wait in the waiting room until the nurse calls us into the examination room.

The nurse has to locate our medical record and asks to see our insurance card. Their other duties include:

  • taking the temperature
  • checking the blood pressure
  • taking/drawing blood
  • testing the urine

Then we are ready to enter the examination room/doctor’s office/surgery. The doctor
usually asks us how we feel, what problems we are having, or what’s bothering us. If we have a headache, a sore throat, a cold, or a cough, we need to mention it. Then the doctor examines us. He:

  1. Listens to our lungs and heart.
  2. Asks us to take a deep breath or hold our breath according to his instructions.
  3. Makes a diagnosis.
  4. Writes a prescription for us.
  5. Schedules the next check-up.

Then we go to the drugstore (AmE) / chemist’s (BrE) where we can get:

  • Antibiotics, gargle, cough syrup, vitamins, ointments, nose drops, and painkillers.
  • We need to take medicine according to the doctor’s advice, and for a short time, we may be unable to attend school or work.
  • Every household should have a first-aid kit. It should contain: a clinical thermometer, sterile gaze pads, bandages, Band-Aids, scissors, and some pain relievers.


  1. When do you go to see the doctor?
  2. What questions do doctors ask their patients?
  3. Describe what happens in a doctor’s surgery / office.
  4. What is the nurse´s job?
  5. What medicine can we take at the pharmacy / at the chemist’s / drugstore?
  6. What items does a first-aid kit contain?

Critical illnesses

Sometimes the situation may be critical and requires special treatment in a hospital.
Here are some serious illnesses that require special treatment:

  • heart attack, pneumonia, jaundice, stroke, concussion, blood poisoning, insomnia, salmonellosis, appendicitis, breaking an arm or a leg

In the hospital, injured people are examined and X-rayed. Very serious cases are immediately operated on in the operating room (AmE) / the operating theatre (BrE).
Doctors who work in hospitals are usually referred to as specialists, for example:

  • surgeons, psychiatrists, internists, ophthalmologists, gynecologists, dermatologists, pediatricians

Illnesses of Civilization

Many people suffer from:

  • pollen allergies, food allergies, diabetes, obesity, cancer.
  • Cancer is one of the biggest threats nowadays. Every year, more and more people of all ages are diagnosed with tumors of all types.
  • Daffodil Day is a public collection organized to raise money to provide support for people with cancer and their families.


  1. Which diseases do you think are the most serious? Why? 
  2. Can you name any medical specialists in English?
  3. Have you ever had to go to the hospital? If so, what for?
  4. How long did you stay there?
  5. Which illnesses related to modern lifestyles can people suffer from?
    (Illnesses of Civilization)
  6. What is Daffodil Day?

Civilization Diseases and Epidemics

The latest global threat is the COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic. It was first identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. While most people who
recover from COVID-19 experience mild symptoms, it can also lead to severe illness and
even death. The virus primarily spreads when an infected person is in close contact with
another person.

Symptoms of COVID-19 are variable: fever, cough, fatigue, breathing difficulties, loss of
smell and taste.

Preventive measures include: physical or social distancing, ventilation of indoor spaces, covering your mouth and nose when you caught or sneeze, handwashing, and keeping unwashed hands away from the face, the use of face masks in public.

Internal Organs of the Human Body

Heart, lungs, liver, stomach, kidneys, brain, small intestine, large intestine (colon), gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, bladder, etc.

Parts of the Human Body

head, hair, forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, cheeks, ears, mouth, lips, teeth, tongue, chin,
neck, shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, hands, fingers, chest, breast, abdomen, navel (belly
button), hips, thighs, knees, legs, ankles, feet, toes

Fingers: thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, pinky finger

At the doctor – English conversation
Learn how to communicate effectively with doctors in English, enrich your vocabulary with medical and sickness terms, illustrated with examples, and elevate your English speaking skills.

At the Doctor – Useful Phrases

  • Questions Asked by Doctors and Nurses
    What problems are you having? / What’s wrong with you?/ What’s bothering you?
  • Did you vomit?
  • Breathe deeply / Breathe quietly / Stop breathing. / Breathe in. / Breathe out.
  • Do you have an insurance card?
  • Do you have high blood pressure?
  • Do you have any pre-existing conditions?
  • Where does it hurt?
  • Is it painful?
  • Do you have breathing difficulties?
  • The next check-up will be in 5 days.
  • It is not serious.
  • Did you have a fever?
  • Are you allergic to anything?
  • I will write you a prescription.
  • You will be taking the pills three times a day.
  • Are you currently taking any medication?
  • You need complete bed rest for a week.
  • You will be admitted to the hospital.
  • I will write you a prescription.


  1. Name some symptoms of COVID-19.
  2. What preventive measures should we follow to protect ourselves from the
  3. Name some internal organs of the body.
  4. Can you mention any parts of the human body? Let’s start from the head.
  5. What phrases or questions might we hear at the doctor’s?


1. illness / disease / sickness skchoroba

2. healthy nutrition skzdravá výživa

3. avoid stress skvyhýbať sa stretu

4. suffer from sktrpieť niečím

5. get over / overcome / go through skprekonať

6. waiting room skčakáreň

7. breathe deeply skzhlboka sa nadýchnuť

8. to transmit / pass sth. on skprenášať / vírus

9. general practitioner / GP skobvodný lekár

10. paediatrician skdetský lekár

11. surgeon skchirurg

12. dermatologist skkožný lekár

13. internist skinternista

14. psychologist skpsychológ

15. dentist skzubár

16. cardiologist skkardiológ

17. drug addicted skdrogovo závislý

18. to undergo treatment skpodstúpiť liečbu

19. medical record skzdravotná karta

20. to take blood skzobrať krv

21. pollen allergy skpeľová alergia

22. infected person sknakazená osoba

23. flu / influenza skchrípka

24. check up skpreventívna prehliadka

25. eyesight skzrak

26. to recover skzotaviť sa, uzdraviť sa

27. first-aid kit sklekárnička

28. ointment skmastička

29. thermometer skteplomer

30. adhesive plaster sknáplasť

Healt Care 1

31. drops skkvapky

32. bandage skobväz

33. painkiller skliek od bolesti

34. cough syrup sksirup od kašľa

35. insurance card skkartička poistenca

36. consulting room skmiestnosť u sestričky

37. to ache / to hurt skbolieť

38. damage skpoškodenie, škoda

39. to check the blood pressure skskontrolovať krvný tlak

40. curable skliečiteľný

41. incurable skneliečiteľný

42. to be in a good shape skbyť v dobrej forme

43. to be allergic to sth. skbyť alergický na niečo

44. a lack of physical activities sknedostatok pohybu

45. insufficient sleep sknedostatok pohybu

46. sedentary work sksedavé zamestnanie

47. overeating skprejedanie sa

48. to be caused by skbyť spôsobené

49. catching sknákazlivé, chytľavé

50. treatment / cure skliečba

51. doctor´s surgery / doctor´s office skordinácia

52. arm skruka (celá)

53. armpit skpodpazušie

54. elbow sklakeť

55. wrist skzápästie

56. palm skdlaň

57. little finger / pinkie skmalíček

58. ring finger skprsteník

59. middle finger skprostredník

60. index finger skukazovák

61. thumb skpalec

Health Care 2

62. skin skkoža

63. eye skoko

64. eyebrow skobočie

65. eyelashes skmihalnice

66. eyelid skviečko

67. forehead skčelo

68. jaw sksánka, spodná čeľusť

69. tongue skjazyk

70. teeth skzuby

71. lips skpery

72. chin skbrada

73. cheeks sklíca

74. waist skpás

75. leg sknoha (celá)

76. foot skchodidlo

77. calf sklýtko

78. thigh skstehno

79. ankle skčlenok

80. knee skkoleno

81. toe skprst na nohe

82. neck skkrk

83. throat skhrdlo

84. internal organs skvnútorné orgány

85. lungs skpľúca

86. kidneys  skobličky

87. liver skpečeň

88. brain skmozog

89. heart sksrdce

90. muscles sksvaly

91. back skchrbát

92. breast / chest skhruď

93. hips skboky

Health Care 3

94. injuries skzranenia

95. bruiseskmodrina, pomliaždenina

96. blisterskpľuzgier

97. swollen skopuchnutý

98. twisted/ sprained skvyvrtnutý

99. bleeding skkrvácajúci

100. broken skzlomený

101. burn skpopálenina

102. common illnesses skbežné choroby

103. chest infection skzápal priedušiek

104. earache skbolesť uší

105. stomachache skbolesť brucha

106. backache skbolesť chrbta

107. toothache skbolesť zubov

108. serious diseases kvážne choroby

109. cancer skrakovina

110. Parkinson´s disease skParkinsonova choroba

111. Parkinson´s disease skAlzheimerova choroba

112. heart attack skinfarkt

113. stroke skmozgová príhoda

114. pneumonia skzápal pľúc

115. insomnia sknespavosť

116. blood poisoning skotrava krvi

117. jaundice skžltačka

118. hypertension skvysoký krvný tlak

119. children´s diseases skdetské choroby

120. measles skosýpky

121. polio skdetská obrna

122. smallpox / chickenpox skkiahne

123. whooping cough skčierny kašeľ

124. symptoms skpríznaky

125. high temperature skvysoká teplota

Health Care 4

126. sweating skpotenie sa

127. cough/ coughing skkašeľ

128. to sneeze skkýchať

129. sore throat skboľavé / zapálené hrdlo

130. aching joints skboľavé kĺby

131. total bed rest skúplný kľud

132. diarrhoea skhnačka

133. vomiting skvracanie

134. running nose sknádcha

135. blocked nose skupchatý nos

136. blow one´s nose skvysmrkať sa

137. loss of smell skstrata čuchu

138. loss of taste skstrata chuti

139. constipation skzápacha

140. nausea skžalúdočná nevoľnosť

141. spots skvyrážky, fľaky, škvrny

142. high / low blood pressure skvysoký / nízky tlak

143. face mask skrúško

144. keep social distance skdodržiavať odstup

145. fatigue / tiredness skúnava, vyčerpanosť

146. breathing difficulties skdýchacie ťažkosti

147. take temperature skodmerať teplotu

148. take antibiotics skužívať antibiotiká

149. to examine a patient skvyšetriť pacienta

150. to listen to one´s heartbeat skpočúvať srdce

151. to listen to one´s breathing skpočúvať dýchanie

152. to operate skoperovať

153. to prescribe some medicine skpredpísať lieky

154. ward skoddelenie v nemocnici

155. instead of sknamiesto niečoho

156. side effects skvedľajšie účinky

157. to overdose skpredávkovať sa

158. prescription sklekársky recept

159. hectic life skhektický život

160. under the supervision of skpod kontrolou, dohľadom

161. preventive check-ups skpreventívne prehliadky

Health Care 5
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